common questions


Here you can find the answers to some of the most common questions we receive. We hope you find what you are looking for, 

otherwise you are welcome to contact us. 


We have organized Comic Con in the Nordics since 2014 and created unforgettable memories for tens of thousands of fans in Malmö, Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Stockholm and now also in Finland. In 2023, Comic Con in Stockholm alone attracted approximately 40,000 happy visitors.  

We arrange the largest Pop Culture events in the Nordics! At our events you can participate in activities inspired by TV & movies, meet famous actors, comic artists and digital creators. You can also take part in Cosplay activities and gaming. Comic Con offers a genuine Pop Culture experience for fans of all ages. 

9-11 May 2025: 

  • Friday, 9 May, 12:00-20:00 
  • Saturday, 10 May, 10:00-19:00 
  • Sunday, 11 May, 10:00-18:00 

Comic Con Finland 2025 takes place in Helsingin messukeskus. 


  • Friday, 9 May, 12:00-20:00 
  • Saturday, 10 May, 10:00-19:00 
  • Sunday, 11 May, 10:00-18:00 

We are a cash free event. However, there may be exhibitors who want to get paid in cash, but most of our exhibitors take cards or MobilePay. 

The closest ATM to Messukeskus is located in the Shopping Center Tripla. 

Helsingin messukeskus offers a variety of restaurants, please have a look at their website: 

Yes, but you may not eat it in the restaurant units. 

Guests can utilize the cloakroom facilities located at the entrances of Messukeskus. The service is priced at €4 for public events and €5 for professional events. Cloakroom is free for children under the age of 7. Additionally, aside from jackets, guests may also store bags in the cloakroom. 

There are locked storage lockers in the Glass Gallery. The storage fee is €2. 

No, unfortunately you are not allowed to bring a dog. Dogs are only allowed if it is an assistance dog (please bring a certificate). 


Tickets sales goes trough our chosen ticket partner. Follow our social media channels or subscribe for the newsletter to hear first when we release the tickets. 

By purchasing a ticket to Comic Con Finland you get access to the event during open hours. Your ticket gives you: Access to all stage activities and panels (subject to availability). Access to the event area and activities (Age limits might occur for some games). Opportunity to meet your favourite actors and invited special guests (Autographs and photos have an extra fee). 

In the popular Artist Alley area, comic artists, illustrators, writers and other creators exhibit and sell their work. The ticket includes entry for ONE person all days and a guaranteed seat in our Artist Alley with table and chair. Please note that we only sell a limited number of tickets.Read more about Artist Alley here.

We do not have a ticket checkout at the event, ticket sales are exclusively online. You can buy tickets online via our ticket partner during the event, as long as there are still tickets available. 

Check your spam inbox, the ticket might be there.  If not please contact our ticket partner. 

When tickets for a specific date are sold out, there won’t unfortunately be any extra tickets for that date available. This due to safety and fire regulations. We do recommend you to check out tickets availability for the rest of event dates. 

If the children’s tickets are sold out the day you wish to visit Comic Con, it is possible to buy an adult ticket instead. 

Our tickets are not refundable after payment.

The event tickets are not personal. The ticket allowes one time entry to the event, and the person that is holding the ticket have the right to enter.

Unfortunatly we do not refund entrance-tickets. We are sorry that you are missing your favourite guest, but we can assure you that there will be a lot of other activities.

We refund photo tickets and autograph tickets if the celebrity you were to be photographed with or get an autograph from cancels his participation.

You don’t need to print it out, we are able to scan the tickets from your phone.


We invite Special Guests to Comic Con that you can take a photo with. To get access to the photo session you will need an entrance ticket to Comic Con Finland and also a photo ticket.

Yes, you will need an extra photo or autograph ticket in addition to your entrance ticket. You can buy  photo/autograph ticket online. If there still are tickets available you can buy them during the event.

Prices vary depending on the guest. We will update guest’s profile page for more info once we reveal the guests.

Some of our Special Guests allow this. This will be informed on the Guest’s profile beforehand.

Yes, as long as each have their individual photo tickets. Everyone with a photo ticket gets a print out and a digital photo.

Normally it is a Comic Con-branded background. In some cases it can also be other brands, if there is a sponsoring company.

All the photos are printed the same day as the pictures are taken. The exact waiting time depends on how many people have been taking photos. 

Yes, you will get a link where you can download your digital photo.

Each of our Special Guests offers a selection of photos for you to choose from. Your autograph ticket includes one optional photo that the guest will sign. 

Yes, but the cost for an autograph is the same.


No, we encourage our visitors to come in cosplay outfits either way.

If your weapon can’t cause any danger to others (such as a copy made in papier mache or like), your weapon is ok.  

Objects intended as toys for children up to 14 years (eg one-tone plastic water gun) are approved. 

Objects that cannot be mistaken for a real weapon (such as a Star Wars lightsaber or a Star Trek phaser) are also approved in the Exhibition Hall. 

It is also prohibited to have nails, sharp edges or the likes on your cosplay. 

Section 10 of the Finnish Public Order Act prohibits all guns and objects resembling them in public places. It is forbidden to bring any kind of firearms, edged weapons or objects resembling them to the event. Such items include, but are not limited to, airsoft guns, replicas of weapons, decorative swords, edged weapons of all kinds, and other objects that could be interpreted as weapons or objects that are confusingly similar to a weapon. 

However, in the cosplay competition and related photography, the contestant has the right to carry and present a replica weapon in their outfit. Large/sharp-edged props are also allowed in cosplay competitions. 

The organizer has the right to inspect the props of your costume at any time to ensure that it complies with all rules and regulations including the Finnish legislation. 

Most visitors are happy to be in the picture, but please ask the person for consent and respect if they do not want to be in the picture.

Yes, there is a dedicated cosplay room for cosplayers. Please observe, that space is limited and we are not responsible for any property. If you want your belongings to be guarded, you can check in your belongings in the cloak room. Check question  IS THERE A CLOAKROOM? For more information. 

Yes, there is a dedicated cosplay dressing room where you can change. There will be high pressure in this room and we recommend that you come as ready as you can beforehand.


Yes, we welcome kids and families at Comic Con.

Kids up to 4 years can enter for free. For kids at the ages 4-12 we have a discounted ticket. 

Yes, we have tickets for kids 4-12 years old. Kids that are under the age of 4 have free entry.

We recommend kids under the age of 12 years to attend with an accompanied adult. Kids over 12 years old can attend without an adult, but with the parents permission and full responsibilty. It’s a big event and we can not take responsibility for kids not accompanied by an adult.

Yes you can. Note, however, that it sometimes gets very crowded with a lot of people moving on the exhibition floor. 


All our stage activities and panels are included in the tickets. But please note that our stage areas have a limited numbers of chairs, therefor we recommend you to be there on time for the activity you are interested in. 

We have several stages at Comic Con Finland. We recommend you to look up which activity you are interested in and then look at the floorplan to find the stages. There are also signs to help our visitors to locate in the venue. There will also be volunteers at the event to help our visitors. 


Yes, allthough it might be narrowed space due to a lot of visitors attending at the same time. 

Yes, assistants have free entry, as long as there is documentation to show the entrance staff. 


Yes. We photograph/film ourselves and our event attracts a lot of local and national press. When purchasing a ticket, you agree that you may be filmed and/or photographed at the event and that the material may be used for marketing purposes. 

Yes, but you have to ask for consent, and respect the person if they do not want to be a part of it. Some of our guests might not want to be filmed or photographed at the panels and interviews. You will be informed about this before the start of interview.